From the Heart, Reflections, Tributes
To Bring You Back to Where You Always Were
Posted on by Joe CranfordHow is it that place, a familiar place, can stir the past in painfully beautiful – yet delightful lonely ways? How does a place make us face such contradictions and accept them with little to no resistance?
Oh, how everything just goes away. Except this, our lament and its burdensome weight. Where can I set my gaze, that I might see past all that I’ve lost and all that will pass? Where can I look to redeem the meaning of my days and fill them with enduring good?
He was legally deaf for nearly 20 years of his third-of-a-century tenure on the airwaves.` Relying on tech and transcriptions he was able to carry on his program up until about two weeks ago. Even on that February day it was surprising he was here: He’d been told more than a year earlier that he… Read more »
There’s something you do that keeps others from being hurt. You do it a lot – whether or not you realize it. Stop, and they’ll hurt. Unless you were stopped, it’s on you.Don’t stop. There’s something to look forward to. A hope, a goal, a dream, an adventure, a reward. Despite the doubts and risks… Read more »
Dad Stuff, Faith, From the Heart, Lyrics, Reflections, Tributes
Sometimes I Just Want to be There Again
Posted on by Joe Cranford“Sometimes I wish I was born in another time, long long time ago…” In the course of a year, I have lost two lovely aunts and two dear uncles in death. In November, my brother-in-law died. He was only 49. My parents have been more burdened with bad health, but by God’s grace they keep… Read more »