Five years ago, this bright and loving soul’s life came to an end. Those who knew Botham Jean (pronounced “BO-thum JON,” btw) said he saw the best in people and did what he could to draw it out of them. Why should we do any different? Why should we see the worst in people? Why… Read more »
2021 has been an emotional road trip, one that has taken me through many two-lane roads and open highways of feeling and experience. And on a day such as this, in my rearview mirror I shift my focus from what is behind me to what is in the mirror itself.
There’s something you do that keeps others from being hurt. You do it a lot – whether or not you realize it. Stop, and they’ll hurt. Unless you were stopped, it’s on you.Don’t stop. There’s something to look forward to. A hope, a goal, a dream, an adventure, a reward. Despite the doubts and risks… Read more »
Today I came home to news that four baby robins were found in our yard. Two were still alive in a makeshift nest my daughter and son built in a cardboard box. I buried the other two. I can’t tell you how this unexpected situation just brought a flood of emotions over me all evening…. Read more »
Dad Stuff, Faith, From the Heart, Lyrics, Reflections, Tributes
Sometimes I Just Want to be There Again
Posted on by Joe Cranford“Sometimes I wish I was born in another time, long long time ago…” In the course of a year, I have lost two lovely aunts and two dear uncles in death. In November, my brother-in-law died. He was only 49. My parents have been more burdened with bad health, but by God’s grace they keep… Read more »
Atheism is a religion… Its God is self. Its Messiah is random chance. Its Spirit (its guiding force) is time. Its Bible is that all truth and morality is subjective. Its heart is self-centeredness. Its soul does not exist. Its mind is that intelligence arose from non-living matter. Its strength is that the strong subjugate… Read more »
Never mind evolutionism, humanism and relativism. If there’s one thing people are slow to accept it’s the idea that Jesus really died and was really resurrected. Some say he just died and that was it. Others say he faked his death and, well, “got better” after going through that little dust-up with Pilate. Paul (you… Read more »